There’s nothing we enjoy more than sharing the good news about our wonderful students and staff members. And we have a lot of great things to share! Read all about student and faculty awards and accomplishments, past happenings, upcoming events, and so much more.
Newsies Jr.
Scotts Ridge Middle School presents Disney’s “Newsies Jr.” on Friday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday, April 5 at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m.
Author Book Purchase
Attention, Scotts Ridge Middle School families! Please see the letter below regarding pre-ordering copies of author Jennifer Nielsen’s books.
How To Easily Access Your Portraits
If you’d like to view your school portraits, but don’t have your online code, visit the Legacy Studios Find My Online Code page. Questions? Ask our photo providers at Legacy Studios.
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